The Next Phase of Dragon Nesting — Introducing Eternium

Eternal Dragons
4 min readSep 4, 2022


We’re excited to introduce the next phase of Dragon Nesting — our reward program for Eternal Dragons owners.

You can currently earn Descendant Eggs if your collection meets certain criteria. Yet, to fecundate these eggs and breed Descendant Dragons, you’ll still need to:

- Identify two Genesis Dragons that will fertilize the egg.
- Use Eternium to catalyze and fulfill the breeding ceremony

So, for the first time, we’ll be rewarding Eternium to Genesis Dragons holders, so that they have everything they need to breed Descendant Dragons when the nesting season ends.

This is a crucial milestone. The moment Eternium flows into the Eternal Dragons universe for the first time, shall be forever remembered and celebrated.

Eternium will not only allow you to breed dragons. It is the core resource that powers the Eternal Dragons universe. It will have many uses, starting with the following:

- Leveling up your Dragons
- Healing units
- Pay entry fees for competitions
- Along with many additional use cases in the upcoming chapters

Eternium — the essence of Time in its purest form, the magical element imbuing and flowing through everything, that allows magicians to manipulate Time and gives Dragons their raw power and life force. The bedrock of the Eternal Dragons universe, of the Eternal Dragons themselves.

Dragon Nesting 2.0

To join the Dragon Nesting program and start earning Eternium and Descendant Eggs, you’ll need to:

  1. Go to your gallery on the Eternal Dragons website

2. Hit the ‘Tweet to Nest’ button.

3. Share the suggested Nesting Tweet.
a) You must tweet before Tuesdays at 23:59 CET in order to qualify for the rewards for the upcoming cycle.
b) Feel free to edit the draft, but don’t change the URL and hashtags added to the template.
c) Get your followers to retweet and your rewards will multiply!

4. Collect your rewards
a) You’ll receive Eternium on Wednesdays directly in your wallet.
b) The Descendant Eggs earned will be distributed after the nesting season ends.
c) The nesting rewards are calculated on a weekly basis.

5. Repeat the steps above every week, to keep your rewards active.

Dragon Nesting — The Rewards


Once you’ve nested your dragons, each one will generate Eternium rewards weekly. How much Eternium depends on two factors:

- The dragon’s rarity
- The amount of retweets your nesting tweet receives

Here’s how the rewards are calculated:

Descendant Eggs

You can earn Descendent Eggs by holding Genesis Dragons exactly as previously announced. However, you do not need to open a ticket anymore on Discord to join the program. You just need to post the Nesting Tweet described above before 23:59 CET every Tuesday.

Dragon Nesting Rules

- Any dragons listed for sale do not count towards nesting.
- Only Dragons can nest, unrevealed eggs do not count.
- A Dragon Nesting cycle starts every week on Wednesday at 00:00 CET and lasts 7 days. To qualify, you must have posted the Nesting Tweet at any point during the previous 7 days.
- Dragons only count towards weekly rewards if they’re held, and not listed, throughout the entire 7-day period.

We are looking forward to writing history together and bringing to life the first Descendant Dragons once the nesting season ends. Let the nesting begin!

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Eternal Dragons



Eternal Dragons

Eternal Dragons by Trailblazer Games. Play & Prosper with unique Dragons across multiple games in the ever expanding world of Eternal Dragons.