I am Dragon, Hear me Roar!

Eternal Dragons
7 min readAug 4, 2022


Hi there and welcome! In today’s article we are making diagrams! Isn’t that lovely? And they’re our favorite kind of diagrams, too! They’re gameplay diagrams. To be more specific, they’re diagrams about what we call the ‘roar’ ability! Once you’ve read the detailed descriptions for the roar ability, there are a couple of roar-puzzles for you to solve. Successful dragoneers can then whisper their solutions to our community managers on Discord to enter into a raffle for prizes!

Before we begin, let’s do a quick, high-level overview of what a roar ability is.

- All units have a roar ability.
- At the start of combat, before battle begins, each unit roars.
- When a unit roars it usually buffs itself and other friendly units.

With that general description in our minds, let’s continue the article!

First thing you need to know about Roar abilities is that they are area effects and to properly explain them we will need a practical backdrop that resembles a battle arena in our upcoming game. It just so happens that we have this battle arena concept art lying around!

Battle Arena concept art. The astute dragoneer will recognize this from the hunter article.

Before combat begins, all units are assigned a unit turn order, a method that decides in which order units act during each round of combat. Then, pairs of units (1 & 1, 2 & 2, etc.) act together, a coin toss deciding who goes first. Since roars are area effects (with a certain direction in a certain range) placing units to efficiently place your buffs is an essential part of one’s strategy.

Units with their turn order numbers assigned about to roar! Not representative of in-game graphics.

In the heat of combat, when deciding which units to recruit, it is essential that roars are quickly understood. To facilitate this there will be explicit visuals on unit portraits that indicate:

- Roar direction.
- Roar range.
- Roar function (which buff it applies).

Let’s review these three attributes and how they are visually represented.

Roar Direction
Take a look at the pictures below. You have four pairs of portraits and a unit on a grid. Around each unit’s portrait there are four gray arrows and four slightly darker gray arrows. One of these arrows is green. These eight portrait arrows correspond to the arrows around the unit on the grid and display which direction the roar will be executed in.

Roar Range
Roars always buff the roaring unit itself and additionally any units within the roar’s range. The length of the range depends on the type of the unit that’s roaring. You can see this extra range by the digit inside the green portrait arrow.

- Roaring units always buff themselves.
- Roars have range and direction.
- Roars buff friendly units within the roar’s range.
- Minion roars have an extra range of one tile.
- Descendant Dragon roars have an extra range of two tiles.
- Genesis Dragon roars have an extra range of three tiles.

Roar Function
Which buff a roar provides is indicated by an icon in the unit’s portrait. The icon is the same icon the buff displays on a unit it is applied to. Below you can see the Raise Armor icon (the yellow shield) in the portrait.

A Genesis Fighter Dragon whose roar will buff itself and three units above it with Raise Armor.

We can now properly read the dragon portraits! Let’s take a look at some examples …

A purple Minion buffing itself and a single teal dragon in front of it. Not representative of in-game graphics.
A green Descendant Dragon buffing itself and two gray dragons in front of it. Not representative of in-game graphics.
A red Genesis Dragon buffing itself and three light-blue dragons in front of it. Not representative of in-game graphics.

That’s it! You are now a certified roar-expert! To celebrate, you are now allowed to copy paste this message into our #general_chat channel on Discord: I am **Dragoneer**, fear my *roars!*

You’re welcome!

And since you are now a certified roar-expert, let’s test your skills a little, shall we?

Below are two puzzles. One fairly easy, one a wee bit harder. If you solve them you get to enter a raffle with prizes! Here’s how this works …

- You get a grid with coordinates on it.
- You get a team of dragons that have different roars, ranges and functions.
- Solve puzzles by noting down your answers as coordinates.

- Raise a ticket in Discord and provide your answers. If you give a correct answer to puzzle one, you get one raffle spot. Give the correct answer to puzzle two, and you receive an extra two raffle spots.
- Don’t give away your answers! The more people in the raffle, the less chance you have to win!
- 5 lucky winners selected at random will receive a Priority Whitelist spot for Batch 5!
- Answers are accepted between the time of publication and 11am CET on the 6th of August.
- Anyone who already has a batch 5 whitelist spot will have it upgraded to the priority whitelist. If a winner already has priority whitelist then they won’t receive the prize.

First, to get you acclimated, let’s step through an example puzzle. First, all your puzzles are solved on the same map. This is the grid below. Note the letter assigned to each tile. This is where you will mentally place your units. Also pay attention to which side is considered “front” and which side is considered “back”.

Next you get a team of units, like this:

This team consists of four minions, each labeled with a (yellow) digit. Each of their own affinity, Psychic (purple), Energy (yellow), Wind (blue), Fire (red), and each with their own buff color which is the same as the unit’s affinity color, purple, yellow, blue and red.

Since these are all minions, they all have roars with a range of one. Don’t forget that units always buff themselves and that the range number represents how many extra tiles they buff.


And the solution:

The solution would then look like this: 3-F, 1-G, 2-J, 4-K. Unit 3 is placed on the F tile, unit 1 on the G tile and so on and so forth. All the criterias are fulfilled, there is a unit in front of the blue dragon and all units have exactly 2 buffs.

Note that these four units could all be moved one tile in any direction and still be a valid answer.

So! Are you ready?




And that’s it! For your convenience, here are handy reminders for the puzzle raffle and some ongoing events in our community! Have a great one dragoneers!

- Solve puzzles by noting down your answers as coordinates.
- Raise a ticket in Discord and provide your answers. If you give a correct answer to puzzle one, you get one raffle spot. Give the correct answer to puzzle two, and you receive an extra two raffle spots.
- Don’t give away your answers! The more people in the raffle, the less chance you have to win!
- 5 lucky winners selected at random will receive a Priority Whitelist spot for Batch 5!
- Answers are accepted between the time of publication and 11am CET on the 6th of August.
- Anyone who already has a batch 5 whitelist spot will have it upgraded to the priority whitelist. If a winner already has priority whitelist then they won’t receive the prize.

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Eternal Dragons
Eternal Dragons

Written by Eternal Dragons

Eternal Dragons by Trailblazer Games. Play & Prosper with unique Dragons across multiple games in the ever expanding world of Eternal Dragons.

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